School got out at the end of May and Brandon got his Webelos Award and was off to Cub Scout Day Camp. They had a good time and he got his cast off just in time for camp. He actually got it off a few days early because we went to the beach and he ended up playing in the water and getting the cast all wet. In the end, the doctor said he would just take it off rather than replace it for the second time!!!
Sunsets are always pretty at the temple but this happened to be a night we were walking by the temple as the sun set and took a couple of pictures with the phone. Not as clear as the camera but you still get the idea.
Linda and Brandon waited patiently while I tried to take professional pictures of the sunset with the phone!!!
Our avocados also started getting far enough along to pick this month. We share them with our neighbors. There were only about 75 or so on the tree this year because we had some good trade winds that blew a lot of the blossoms off. But, with the size of them, it was fine. They are such creamy, good avocados.
You can get an idea of how big they are here as I am holding my hand next to them on the tree. I also bought one from the store (the size we are used to seeing) and took this picture with one from our tree, a regular size baseball, and the avocado from the tree. It's been fun having them to eat for the past few months. We are just now (October 7th) eating the last one off the tree and then we will have to wait for next June to have them again. We spent some time pruning the tree yesterday so hopefully we will have a good harvest next year. If so, Brandon can sell some and make a lot of money. You can get $3-4 a piece for them when they are this big and creamy!
We also had Brett and Brenda and their family come and visit us for a few weeks during June. It was fun to have them here. They got to see most of the island but the kids especially enjoyed the beach. We hiked up to Manoa Falls. It isn't as big this time of the year because there isn't as much rain there, but still pretty and a nice hike.
Here we are at Manoa Falls and then at another tree on the hike back down.
Fun day and fun hike.
Here are the Johnson's in the tree!
And here is where everyone loved to be the most!!!
Here is Sam catching a wave and a wave catching Emma and Brandon!
This is at Laie Point.
And here we are watching the turtles at Turtle Beach up by Sunset Beach.
Waiamea Valley is always a lot of fun. A fresh water waterfall and pond to swim in.
You can even take pictures of Brett taking pictures of the others out swimming!!!!
Or Brett sitting in the waterfall!
Or Linda sitting on the rock taking it all in!
And then it's back to the beach for more fun!
The Polynesian Culture Center provided a day of fun and excitement for everyone, but especially for Kaylea!!!
She never missed an opportunity for a picture with the boys!!!
This is the after Luau photo - everyone is smiling so it must have been a good luau!
And then a few shots at the temple of the family...thanks for coming and visiting was a blast!
We also had the unique experience to see our Dragon Fruit cactus bloom. You have to watch closely and get the night right because the flowers start opening around 9pm. They open up big by about 10:30 pm and then they are closed and die by the next morning around 6:00am. The flowers are about the size of a dinner plate with thin silky petals that you can see through. Each one of the flowers will produce one fruit. The fruit will take a couple of months to ripen so watch for them in a later blog entry.
Later in the month, we got to go to Joint Base Pearl Harbor (used to be Hickam AFB and Pearl Harbor Navy Base) where our old friends and neighbors from Colorado Springs, Dave and Charlotte Hillman, just moved and Dave took command of the Comm Squadron. We joined them for the Change of Command Ceremony and that was a lot of fun to be back at a base and participate in a ceremony. Brought back lots of memories.
Fun to see our old friends and get to spend some time with them.
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