Sunday, April 1, 2012

Diving and Pinewood Derby

So before Cory leaves to go back to school in Idaho, we decided to go diving at Electric Beach. It is on the west side of the island and is where the electric plant feeds the cleaned water back into the ocean. The water is very warm when it comes back in so the coral is a little different there than other parts of the island. The fish also sit in front of the pipes where the water is warm. They even swim in toward the pipes where the water shooting out catches them and takes them for a carnival ride! You can almost see the smiles on the faces of the fish as they have fun!

 Getting ready for the dive.

Coral and fish.
Cory at the bottom (about 25-30 feet) where he saw the turtle.

Cory on the move.

 This is the wall holding the pipes which are about 10-12 feet tall.

Cory chillin....

Cory along the wall.

 Norman along the wall.

Cory sitting in front of the pipe but far enough to not be thrown around!

The eel!!! (on the left at the bottom looking at us).

Coming out after the dive.

 On Tuesday night, we had the pinewood derby race. Brandon designed his car, picked the orange paint, and added all the decorations. We also helped Liam cut out his car. We only had a couple days to build it after I returned from the mainland and we didn't have any scales so we were guessing at the weight. We ended up at 4.8oz when we got to the race. They asked if we wanted to glue a couple pennies on but we decided to race it as it was. Here is the movie of Brandon's first race, one in the middle, and the final championship race for the fastest car.

Here are some pictures of his car and getting his certificate for the fastest car.

And so ends the pinewood derby era for the Norman Black family. I will now pass all my secrets and magic moly graphite down to Skyler so he can get ready for his boys who will be the next racers!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun dive. Glad you were able to go together.

    Brandon's last pinewood derby race? Wow, you'll be eleven this December. I know you'll be a great Boy Scout!
