The next adventure will be learning to surf. Not sure about that yet but we will see what happens.
Brandon's school also participated in the BYU-Hawaii Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. It is tradition for the school to do their Christmas program in the Cannon Activity Center on campus followed by the arrival of Santa and the lighting of the tree and lights on campus. This year his class sang a song about snowmen so they were all dressed up like's the closest thing we will get to snow here!!!
Brandon was also part of two violin concerts this month. His teacher and her students performed for a group at an assisted living center. They each played a number and then a Christmas carol. At the end, they played a group number in parts. It was the Carol of the Bells. They did a great job.
Brandon has also been helping the teacher that teaches violin after school. They played at a community concert with the Ko'olauloa Children's Choir. Brandon played the harmony for them. They did a good job.
At our ward party this year, we had a visit from Hawaiian Santa in his little hut. It was a lot of fun. He handed out treats to the kids and we all had a fun visit.
We had a visit from our landlords the other day and they told us that their daughter was buying the house we live in and we would have to move. There is no rush but the school is looking for a new home for us.
Since we will be moving from our current house, we were eyeing Hawaiian Santa's hut as a possible new home!!!
It is always great here to see the sky and the beauty it brings. While I was walking to work the other day, as I walked by the temple, I looked above it and there was a beautiful rainbow shooting up into a clear blue sky. I took this picture but it doesn't really do it justice
We also took a trip to town (Honolulu) and went and visited the Sheraton Hotel where they had these two sand carvings. It is amazing what they can do with sand. Sad thing is it all goes away when they build the next displays and the artist has nothing to show for it but pictures.
This one is Santa and his Hawaiian elves.
This one shows the family opening their presents on Christmas day.
This shows you the size of the sand carvings as Linda and Brandon are standing right next to them.
The most exciting news of the month was the birth of our first granddaughter. Chris and Malley were hoping for a 12/12/12 baby. They went to the hospital that morning but the baby was born early in the morning of 12/13/12. Brandon was hoping for a birthday baby but we figured it was still 12/12/12 in Hawaii so she was still a present for Brandon on his birthday.
Juliette Christina Black was born at 1:11am on 12/13/12. She was 8 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches long.
Brandon also turned 11 this year and moved from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. He had his crossing over ceremony and received some new scout equipment for Christmas.
Here are some of his friends that welcomed him into the troop. He is excited to start working to become an Eagle Scout like all three of his brothers.
Here are the lights in the neighbors yard and palm tree. The pictures don't do justice but the lights are really nice.
This is our house. You can't see our palm tree too well but it is lit up on the right side. It is always fun to see the lights and then the families gathered outside their house having a dinner party for the whole family. Christmas is about families and it is especially so here.
And we can't leave the Christmas season without showing everyone the flower arrangement Linda put together for us to enjoy during the Christmas season. It is beautiful. She is such an artist. She will be taking a couple of classes next semester here at BYU-Hawaii.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.